Anecdotal Observations of Fresh Pond
Before you enjoy Fresh Pond, please look carefully for potentially harmful blooms. You can identify what you are seeing in the tab above - Identifying Algal Blooms. Help us protect our friends and visitors by emailing us what you see so that we can post observations in our blog.
We want everyone to enjoy the pond – but you should use your own judgment in doing so.
When in doubt, stay out.
This web site is intended to be helpful, but you should not rely on it as a guaranty of water quality or safety. The Fresh Pond Neighbors Association does not warrant the completeness or accuracy of the web site. While we hope to keep it current, we assume no responsibility for doing so.
Fresh Pond Blog
Julia reports on her marathon training swims last week: cool, crisp, with hawks overhead!
Loss of crytal clarity is expected during seasonal turnover, but still nearly two meters of visibility!
Subjectively, Fresh Pond is far cleaner and fresher than our bays.
DEC laboratory testing will give us the precise information on the impact of this year's cleanup.
Mighty Montauk "Olympic Triathalon" marathoner switches from training in the bay to Fresh Pond!
Bright green dots -- warn us that HABs will return. Annual short terms cleanup must lead to long term solutions.
Evidence that Fresh Pond can potentially return to healthful, year round, crystaline clear conditions.