Identifying Algal Blooms
Potentially harmful algae blooms occur in Fresh Pond. While the blooms are usually small and confined to stagnant areas, they can at times spread widely, creating hazards that may last for a few hours, days, or weeks.
Before you enjoy Fresh Pond, please look carefully for potentially harmful blooms. Blooms may look like the images below. Help us protect our friends and visitors by emailing us what you see so that we can post observations in our blog - Anecdotal Observations of Fresh Pond.
We want everyone to enjoy the pond – but you should use your own judgment in doing so.
When in doubt, stay out.
This web site is intended to be helpful, but you should not rely on it as a guaranty of water quality or safety. The Fresh Pond Neighbors Association does not warrant the completeness or accuracy of the web site. While we hope to keep it current, we assume no responsibility for doing so.
Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)
Green streaks on the water surface. This is a good example of what a HAB can look like.
Pea soup appearance within the water.
Spilled paint appearance on the surface of the water.
Green dots/clumps on or in the water.
Non Toxic Algal Blooms
Bubbling scum on the surface. This is a good example of something other than a HAB.
Hairy, silky strands on rocks, plants or water.
Milky, whitish water. This is an example of a whiting event, not a HAB.